Ultralight 700 CO2 Heatpump - Konvekta

Net-Zero Product - Air Conditioning / Transport

Refrigerant GWP: 1
Refrigerant safety class: A1
Rated cooling capacity range (in kW): 26.5 kW | Heating capacity: 21 kW
Dimensions: Height (in mm): 350, Width (in mm): 2,083, Depth (in mm): 2,655
Energy source: electric
Training: Worldwide, available upon request
Company Headquarters: Germany
Awards/Merits: Busworld Innovation Label for the presentation of an environmentally friendly heat pump system with CO2 (R-744) as refrigerant in 2015, Busworld Innovation Label for the presentation of an environmentally friendly air conditioning system with CO2 (R-744) as refrigerant in 2013, German Environment Award for the development of an environmentally friendly air conditioning system in 2007, Rail technology innovation award of ifv Bahntechnik in 2005, 2nd prize at the European competition for better environment in 2000, EBUS Award 2017, International Busplaner Sustainability Award 2017, Member of the Innovation Path at the IAA 2016 in Hanover.
Available worldwide but only built into buses in countries in which vehicle manufacturers sell their buses with CO2 heat pumps.

Energy Efficiency

COP: tested under nominal conditions: 4.0 at 15°C / 2.8 at 10°C / 2.16 at 0°C / 2.15 at -1,5°C / 2.1 at -10°C / 2.0 at -15°C / 1.7 at -20°C
Energy efficiency measures: CO2 heat pump is capable of 100% recycling. Increasing the range of the electric bus by up to 60%.
The savings potential in service costs is around 70%. The CO2 heat pump produces just over 4,000kg of CO2e emissions, compared with more than 9,000kg of CO2e emissions for a heat pump featuring R-134a plus electric heater.