150l solar heat pump - Quantum Energy
Heating capacity (kW): 3.61
Storage size: 150l
Heating capacity (kW): 3.61
Storage size: 150l
Heating capacity (kW): 2 at A2/W35, nominal capacity
Heating Capacity (kW): 8.3 at A2/W35
Awards/Merits: Included in WWF TopTen product list
Manufacturer Headquarters: Belgium
Heating capacity (kW): 12 at nominal heating output
Manufacturer Headquarters: Austria
Heating Capacity (kW): 5.08 at A2/W35
Awards/Merits: Included in WWF TopTen product list
Manufacturer Headquarters: Austria
Heating Capacity (kW): 5.08 at A2/W35
Awards/Merits: Included in WWF TopTen product list
Manufacturer Headquarters: Austria
Heating capacity (kW): 2.51 at A2/W35
Notes: Hot water production up to 70°C
Heating capacity (kW): 5.15 at A2/W35
Heating capacity (kW): 4.5 at 7°C, with 65°C (150F) heated water
Awards/merits: Energy Star, Top 10 Green Building Product
Training availability: Virtual and in person available
Unit price: List price around $4,500
Notes: Depending on the size of the tank, it can be used for multi-family buildings
Heating capacity (kW): 10 at E4/W35
Training availability: Heliotherm heat pumps are sold and installed exclusively by highly trained Heliotherm competence partners. These partners have branches throughout Europe. This ensures expert advice, installation, commissioning and first-class service for guaranteed to the customer on site.