601L (no lighting) - Novum Overseas Ltd

Type: Horizontal display freezer
Temperature range (°C): –18…–23
Type: Horizontal display freezer
Temperature range (°C): –18…–23
Type of product: Condensing unit for MT and LT
Possible temperature range MT: -20°C – -5°C
Possible temperature range LT: -45°C – -20°C
Cooling capacity MT (kW): 32.5 at -10°C evaporating temperature
Cooling capacity LT (kW): 16 at -40°C evaporating temperature
Awards/merits: MHI have received commendations from related organizations in Japan
Training availability: MHI hold seminars for services and maintenance in Japan.
Type of product: Domestic refrigerator, vaccine cooler
Possible temperature range MT relevant for vaccines: +2°C – +8°C
Cooling capacity (kW): 0.8-0.9
Volume in l: 90
Notes: solar powered
Type of product: Condensing unit for MT
Possible temperature range MT: -10°C
Cooling capacity MT (kW): 12.5-20 (EN 13215 – R744: Te = -10 °C, Ta = 32 °C, 10 K Superheat, 70 Hz)
Awards/merits: Emerson CO2 unit was the first CO2 unit ever certified by ASERCOM.
Training availability: Emerseon can actually provide trainings everywhere in Europe, in their laboratory in Aachen or on request training unit can mostly be moved everywhere.
Type of product: Condensing unit for MT
Possible temperature range MT: -15°C – +10°C
Cooling capacity MT (kW): 2229 at evaporating temperature 7.2°C, Condensing temperature 55°C, ambient temperature 35°C
Type of product: Plug-in service counter (horizontal)
Possible temperature range MT: -1°C – +5°C
Temperature class: 3M1
Training availability: EMEA
Product Type: Vertical display refrigerator
Temperature range (°C): 0 +2
Awards/merits: Highly commended at the RAC Cooling 2018, included on the ECA Energy Technology List (ETL) 2018, included on the TOPTEN.EU list
Type of product: Open shelf cabinet (plug-in)
Possible temperature range LT: -25°C – -18°C
Cooling capacity (kW): 0.613
Awards/merits: Wabel Frozen Award 2014
Training availability: Physical training available in Ireland and virtual worldwide.
Type of product: R-290 water loop
Possible temperature range MT: -1°C – 5°C
Cooling capacity MT (kW): 1.64
Type of product: Laboratory refrigerator (incl. vaccines) SureChill
Possible temperature range MT relevant for vaccines: +2°C – +8°C
Volume in l: 50
Unit price: USD 3,450
Awards/merits: 400+ units deployed in Niger under UNICEF GAVI CCEOP Programme
Training availability: India, UK and Niger
Notes: Mains powered but ‘Approved by the WHO to provide active cooling without power for over 12 days in an ambient climate of 43°C.’