In December 2017, China opened its first transcritical CO2 store thanks to METRO, FUTE and CAREL. The store is equipped with SCM transcritical CO2 compressor racks, with the goal of ensuring system efficiency with natural refrigerants.
The METRO Lishui bridge store was the first in China to use transcritical CO2 refrigeration technology. The store covers a total surface area of 4100 m2 and comprises 84 cabinets and 28 air
coolers, divided into low, medium and high temperature applications. There are 2 compressor racks with a total cooling capacity of 497 kW.
The installation comprises two transcritical CO2 units, a booster system with MT and LT lines, and a single-line system with HT loads only. In the booster system, there is also an additional parallel suction line that can manage the flash gas flow rate from the receiver to the high pressure line (gas cooler), increasing system efficiency in mid-high temperature operating conditions. The CAREL pRack controller manages temperature control and heat recovery which provides hot water for space heating.
First METRO Transcritical CO2 store in China
First METRO Transcritical CO2 store in China
Case Study - Refrigeration / Commercial